LE FIL D'ARIANE : In Greek mythology, Minos, King of Crete and conqueror of the Athenians, had condemned them to send him seven young boys and seven girls every year to be devoured by the Minotaur, monster half-man and half-bull who was locked in the bottom of the famous labyrinth designed by Dedale. Ariane, the king's daughter, confided to Thésée, of whom she was in love, a ball of thread that he would have to unfold to find the way home. Thanks to this thread, Thésée was able to kill the monster and find his way.
Today, a "Fil d'Ariane" is a guideline, a course of action to achieve a goal.
Inspired by this myth, Jean-Philippe Vanbeselaere composed LE FIL D'ARIANE for the trio "Saxo Clone" (Gino SAMYN, Fred BASQUIN and Pascal THIBAUX), a meeting of three talented musicians : two saxophonists from the great French school of classical saxophone and a pianist.
Commissioned by "Buffet Group", this composition was world premiered at the City of Music and Dance of Strasbourg on July 9th for the World Saxophone Congress, then integrated into French Connection concerts in France and on tour, especially at Portugal and the United States (New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles).
Commissioned by « BUFFET GROUP » - Creation 2015
for 2 Saxophones & Piano
Duration : 9:15
Reference : EMP - CM 010